Prof. Mar Pérezts - Thinking our times
Why? Why not? What if? Asking questions has been the main driver in my life as a woman and as an academic, often unsatisfied or uncomfortable with how things are, how we are told things are supposed to be. I love the excitement combined with the anguish of being puzzled by something. And I like turning to the obvious – philosophy, sociology…- and less obvious – poetry, the body, children… – in search of answers.
My interests, as are my origins, are eclectic, combining perspectives of the South and the North, of cultural and inter-disciplinary dialogues. Being a researcher for me, is about thinking our times, the here-and-now of our lives, in all their complexity, all their beauty and all their challenges. It is about asking questions as a first step of an act of inconformity with the state of the world, to speak out and act up, in the classroom, in songs, on the streets, or on the black and white contrast of my writing.
Sabbatical Leave
It Takes Two to Tango:
Theorizing inter-corporeality through nakedness and eros in researching and writing organizations